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A little bit about me

An Emeritus Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland, I have been writing about Australian culture, media and society for many years. I have published 30 books and my work has been translated into 11 languages. The most recent books include an account of our diminished political culture, The Shrinking Nation (2023), and a study of John Farnham’s Whispering Jack (2022). Over the years, my research and public commentary has pioneered the study of Australian popular music, the political influence of talkback radio, the emergence of celebrity culture, and the consequences of what I have described as the ‘reinvention’ of the media for the digital era.

I have a long history of policy engagement at the state and federal level. In the 1990s, I served as Chair of the Arts Advisory Committee for the Goss government in Queensland, providing strategic policy advice for the rebuilding of the arts and culture sector. Over 2004-2019, I represented the humanities on many federal committees on higher education and research, including numerous roles with the Australian Research Council and two terms as a member of the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council from 2008 -2014. I was awarded an AO in 2019 in recognition of my contribution to cultural studies, the humanities and higher education.

In another life, I moonlighted as a semi-pro musician, playing in clubs and bars from the late 1960s into the mid-80s in Australia, Canada and the UK, and setting up an independent record company (Homegrown) in the late 1970s. I released two albums with the label in the early 1980s.

I have moved out of full-time academic work now, and this blog is aimed at reaching a wider audience interested in what I might have to say about contemporary issues in Australian culture, media and society.




The Shrinking Nation publishes updates and thoughts-in-progress that build upon the ideas and analysis in my 2023 book, The Shrinking Nation.

Tales from the Quadrangle focuses on the world I know best, the universities — collecting stories from the past, analysis of the present, and projections on the future.

From the sideline presents commentary and analysis on the State of Things, with a focus on current shifts and tendencies in Australian media, culture, and society.


Cheering on the decline in humanities degrees - Photo of UQ Quadrangle
Tales from the Quadrangle

Universities Australia grows a spine

ATEC discussion paper gets a resounding smackdown. In recent years, the university sector has behaved…
The Shrinking Nation

Finding a scapegoat: What was the cap on international enrolments really about?

The nominated purpose of the federal government’s legislated cuts to international student enrolments in Australian…
The Shrinking Nation

Is this the most disappointing government ever?

Doing nothing, not much, or just not enough If you follow the shifts in the…

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