The Shrinking Nation Farnham and the Voice: Too little, too late? The selection of John Farnham’s ‘You’re the Voice’ as the soundtrack for the ‘Yes’ campaign…Graeme TurnerSeptember 12, 2023
The Shrinking Nation The Sofronoff, Higgins-Lehrmann and Robodebt affairs: Have journalists become part of the story? The Sofronoff, Higgins-Lehrmann, and Robodebt affairs: What happens to journalism when journalists become part of…Graeme TurnerAugust 14, 2023
From the sideline The Matildas, popular culture, and television’s futures. Two very different media reports addressed the future of free-to-air TV in the last week.…Graeme TurnerJuly 31, 2023
The Shrinking Nation The Shrinking Voice I started work on this book in 2021, completed the final version in April 2023,…Graeme TurnerJuly 21, 2023
Tales from the Quadrangle Cheering on the decline in humanities degrees I spent much of my academic career advocating for appropriate funding for teaching and research…Graeme TurnerJuly 21, 2023